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canon r規格的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Levine, Amy-Jill寫的 Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus 和Warren, Michelle R.的 Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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除了canon r規格,大家也想知道這些:

Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus

為了解決canon r規格的問題,作者Levine, Amy-Jill 這樣論述:

Explore the miracles of Jesus in Signs and Wonders with Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament studies and Bible study author. In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For eac

h miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions. Chapter topics include: Giving sight to the blind: Metaphors of understanding (Mark 8, John 9) "Take up your pallet and walk" (the para

lyzed man): On the role of caregivers A bleeding woman and a dead girl: The importance of women’s bodies Walking on water and stilling the storm: Ecological readings of the Gospels The feeding of the 5,000 (or more): The centrality of bread The raising of Lazarus: Taking death seriously Components f

or the six-week study include a book, comprehensive Leader Guide, and DVD/Video sessions featuring Amy-Jill Levine. Praise for Signs and Wonders Amy-Jill Levine has the rare and wonderful gift of being able to offer solid exegetical work to readers with or without formal theological training as if s

he is sitting in your living room sharing a cup of tea. Throughout this book she calls us to the interpretive work, reminding us that the big question is not did this happen? but what does it mean? and ultimately so what? How can these old miracle stories speak good news to our lives in this time an

d place and invite our own healing and transformation along the way? - Rev. Dr. Richard Simpson, Canon to the Ordinary (Assistant to the Bishop), Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts Amy-Jill Levine is herself a sign and wonder, a sign that reading the New Testament through Jewish eyes is not

just essential but revelatory, and a wonder, as she always writes with verve, wisdom, humor and rich insight. Her latest is hardly an exception, an accessible, fascinating book we welcome eagerly. - James Howell, Senior Pastor, Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina With brill

iant insight and trademark wit, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine reveals wondrous details of the most prominent miracles in the gospels. We become more than readers of these stories; we discover how to be recipients and participants in the ongoing, miraculous work of God. - Magrey R. deVega, Senior Pastor of Hyd

e Park United Methodist Church in Tampa, Florida, and author of The Bible Year: A Journey through Scripture in 365 Days What a rich and accessible resource for anyone who wants to grow their understanding of the Gospels and the claims they make about Jesus! AJ Levine teaches us how to learn from the

miracle stories, marvel at them, worry about them, and respond to them in our own lives. - Matthew L. Skinner, Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary Making space for the believer and skeptic alike, Levine masterfully connects the miracles of the God of Israel with the miracles of Jesus. From

friends who clear the way, to a father who pleads for his daughter, to sisters who stand resolute, Levine invites the reader to cherish the helpers and the healed as much as we cherish the healer. Levine’s willingness to authentically share portions of her own story reminds the reader of the ways th

e miraculous breaks into our own lives. -Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministry, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, The United Methodist Church Amy-Jill Levine engages the miracles of Jesus with scholarly acumen and signature wit. Christians who have been confused by these stories w

ill find new clarity in her comprehensive context, including corrective understandings of Judaism. Those who have been intimidated by these texts will be encouraged by her candor. Those who have been inspired by Jesus’ miracles will find even deeper dimensions of meaning in the practical, pastoral,

theological, and literary levels she opens and the provocative issues raised, from food insecurity to gender assumptions. Levine presses the essential "so what?" question and challenges us to be changed by these stories - and to be amazed. - The Rev. Deborah A. Block, D.Min. Pastor, Immanuel Presbyt

erian Church in Milwaukee

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為了解決canon r規格的問題,作者洪譽家 這樣論述:

在傳統顯微鏡系統中,高解析度和廣視野之間存在著魚與熊掌不可兼得(trade-off)的關係,傅立葉拼圖術(Fourier Ptychography)等影像重建方法提供了一個解決這個根本矛盾的解決之道,讓我們可以在沒有任何移動部件的情況下利用廣視野顯微鏡生成高解析度的圖像。相較於一般的高解析度顯微鏡,我們只需低數值孔徑(NA)的物鏡,簡易的顯微鏡架構,LED陣列模組和一個8佰萬像素的相機。在影像重建上,我們的系統是利用相對簡單且便宜的Raspberry Pi模組,不但易於操控,也增加了擴充的方便性,整個系統的建置成本不到台幣一萬元,故很適合一般的實驗室設置或做成可攜式的檢測設備。而我們

透過傅立葉拼圖術進行重建影像解析度可以達到2497萬畫素,一共增加了12倍空間帶寬積(Space Bandwidth Product),可視範圍有23.33mm^2 。 本論文透過以不同角度光源照射觀察物,利用通過鏡頭後被相機記錄的不同入射角度的影像資訊與相位恢復(phase retrieval)來確定樣品影像資訊的角頻譜 (angular spectrum)進行相位重建, 因此使用0.15NA的鏡頭配合0.4NA的多角度入射光,可以得到的合成數值孔徑為0.55NA,因此可以提高影像解析度並保留寬廣的視野。我們使用MATLAB製作的簡單操作介面,預覽我們所拍攝的所有角度的影像資訊以及繞射


Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet

為了解決canon r規格的問題,作者Warren, Michelle R. 這樣論述:

Medieval books that survive today have been through a lot: singed by fire, mottled by mold, eaten by insects, annotated by readers, cut into fragments, or damaged through well-intentioned preservation efforts. In this book, Michelle Warren tells the story of one such manuscript-an Arthurian roman

ce with textual origins in twelfth-century England now diffused across the twenty-first century internet. This trajectory has been propelled by a succession of technologies-from paper manufacture to printing to computers. Together, they have made literary history itself a cultural technology indebte

d to colonial capitalism.Bringing to bear media theory, medieval literary studies, and book history, Warren shows how digital infrastructures change texts and books, even very old ones. In the process, she uncovers a practice of "tech medievalism" that weaves through the history of computing since t

he mid-twentieth century; metaphors indebted to King Arthur and the Holy Grail are integral to some of the technologies that now sustain medieval books on the internet. This infrastructural approach to book history illuminates how the meaning of literature is made by many people besides canonical au

thors: translators, scribes, patrons, readers, collectors, librarians, cataloguers, editors, photographers, software programmers, and many more. Situated at the intersections of the digital humanities, library sciences, literary history, and book history, Holy Digital Grail offers new ways to concep

tualize authorship, canon formation, and the definition of a "book."


為了解決canon r規格的問題,作者廖政凱 這樣論述:

  本論文主要為優化手機閃光燈之複合透鏡的光學設計,其中改良方式是將傳統菲涅耳透鏡方式所設計之折射型閃光燈透鏡加以改良,使其變成菲涅耳加上全內反射所構成的複合式透鏡,此優化能夠有效的提升閃光燈之光學效率以及目標區域的照度與均勻度。  在此研究中,我們先探討各種閃光燈的設計優劣,再從中歸納出目前手機閃光燈最理想的設計方式為複合式透鏡,接著分析複合式透鏡的相關文獻資料,隨後提出我們的設計概念及方法,由模擬結果得知此設計方式能將光學有效利用率提升 1.3 倍、中心照度提升 1.19倍、 0.7 視場平均照度度提升 1.32 倍, 1.0 視場平均照度提升 3.65 倍。最後,我們使用超精密加工搭配

射出成型將閃光燈透鏡製作出來進行實驗量測,並將量測結果與模擬值做比對分析,其實驗與模擬的各項光學性能之誤差值皆有小於 4.26% 的水準。